Online Photography Lessons | Paris Wedding Elopement Photographer

A little shout out or rather a gentle whisper to all my current & future clients. Don’t worry about your bookings & shoots, we are more than willing & happy to be as flexible & accommodating as you need. We & Paris will be here once this is all over. In the meantime concentrate on yourselves & your dearest & stay well. That’s all that’s important at the end of the day, pulling together (at a distance of course!) to help each other through this but have no doubt that we will get through it.

In the meantime I am offering photography lessons via Skype. If you have every wanted to know how to use your camera whether it is a dslr, point and shoot or even your iPhone then now is the time. With many now working from home and getting to spend more time with their other halves, kids, fur kids, gardens etc and no doubt will continue to document daily life!

The classes are two hours long with an investment of €150 and they are completely customisable to your interest, level, (I love helping beginners) and whatever you particularly want to focus on. From learning how to use your camera, to composition tips, settings and a constructive critic of your photos. Then there is a complimentary 15 minute follow up call at any period after your lesson where you can send me photos for feedback and help. If you want to upskill in the photography department to capture those precious moments or get the perfect holiday shots (post self isolation!) feel free to contact me here!

English speaking wedding, elopement, engagement, surprise proposal, family, honeymoon, babymoon and anniversary photographer based in Paris, France. Online photography lessons and classes.

Catherine O'Hara

Wedding, elopement & vow renewal photographer based in Ireland & Paris, France - English Speaking

French Wedding Podcast Feature | Ireland & Paris France Wedding & Elopement Photographer


Welcome 2020! | Paris France Wedding and Elopement Photographer